240 : Stokes $RT$ enrichment

(source code)

This example computes the velocity $\mathbf{u}$ and pressure $\mathbf{p}$ of the incompressible Stokes problem

\[\begin{aligned} - \mu \Delta \mathbf{u} + \nabla p & = \mathbf{f}\\ \mathrm{div}(\mathbf{u}) & = 0 \end{aligned}\]

with exterior force $\mathbf{f}$ and some parameter $\mu$ and inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary data.

The problem will be solved by a $(P_k \oplus RTenrichment) \times P_{k-1}$ scheme, which can be seen as an inf-sup stabilized Scott-Vogelius variant that works with general meshes, see references below. Therein, the velocity space employs continuous $P_{k}$ functions plus certain (only H(div)-conforming) Raviart-Thomas functions and a discontinuous $P_{k-1}$ pressure space leading to an exactly divergence-free discrete velocity. In a reduction step (that can be triggered with the reduce switch) all higher order pressure dofs and the enrichment dofs can be eliminated from the system.


"A low-order divergence-free H(div)-conforming finite element method for Stokes flows",
X. Li, H. Rui,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (2021),
>Journal-Link< >Preprint-Link<

"Inf-sup stabilized Scott–Vogelius pairs on general simplicial grids by Raviart–Thomas enrichment",
V. John, X. Li, C. Merdon, H. Rui,

The computed solution for the default parameters looks like this:

module Example240_SVRTEnrichment

using ExtendableFEM
using GridVisualize
using ExtendableGrids
using ExtendableSparse
using Triangulate
using SimplexGridFactory
using Symbolics

# exact data for problem generated by Symbolics
function prepare_data(; μ = 1)

	@variables x y

	# stream function ξ
	ξ = -sin(2 * pi * x) * cos(2 * pi * y)

	# velocity u = curl ξ
	∇ξ = Symbolics.gradient(ξ, [x, y])
	u = [-∇ξ[2], ∇ξ[1]]

	# pressure
	p = (cos(4 * pi * x) - cos(4 * pi * y)) / 4

	# gradient of velocity
	∇u = Symbolics.jacobian(u, [x, y])
	∇u_reshaped = [∇u[1, 1], ∇u[1, 2], ∇u[2, 1], ∇u[2, 2]]

	# Laplacian
	Δu = [
		(Symbolics.gradient(∇u[1, 1], [x])+Symbolics.gradient(∇u[1, 2], [y]))[1],
		(Symbolics.gradient(∇u[2, 1], [x])+Symbolics.gradient(∇u[2, 2], [y]))[1],

	# right-hand side
	f = -μ * Δu + Symbolics.gradient(p, [x, y])

	# build functions
	p_eval = build_function(p, x, y, expression = Val{false})
	u_eval = build_function(u, x, y, expression = Val{false})
	∇u_eval = build_function(∇u_reshaped, x, y, expression = Val{false})
	f_eval = build_function(f, x, y, expression = Val{false})

	return f_eval[2], u_eval[2], ∇u_eval[2], p_eval

# grid generator function
function get_grid2D(nref; uniform = false, barycentric = false)
	if uniform || barycentric
		gen_ref = 0
		gen_ref = nref
	grid = simplexgrid(Triangulate;
		points = [0 0; 0 1; 1 1; 1 0]',
		bfaces = [1 2; 2 3; 3 4; 4 1]',
		bfaceregions = [1, 2, 3, 4],
		regionpoints = [0.5 0.5;]',
		regionnumbers = [1],
		regionvolumes = [4.0^(-gen_ref - 1)])
	if uniform
		grid = uniform_refine(grid, nref)
	if barycentric
		grid = barycentric_refine(grid)
	return grid

# kernel for Stokes operator
function kernel_stokes_standard!(result, u_ops, qpinfo)
	∇u, p = view(u_ops, 1:4), view(u_ops, 5)
	μ = qpinfo.params[1]
	result[1] = μ * ∇u[1] - p[1]
	result[2] = μ * ∇u[2]
	result[3] = μ * ∇u[3]
	result[4] = μ * ∇u[4] - p[1]
	result[5] = -(∇u[1] + ∇u[4])
	return nothing

function main(; nrefs = 5, μ = 1, α = 1, order = 2, Plotter = nothing, enrich = true, reduce = true, time = 0.5, bonus_quadorder = 5, kwargs...)

	# prepare problem data
	f_eval, u_eval, ∇u_eval, p_eval = prepare_data(; μ = μ)
	rhs!(result, qpinfo) = (f_eval(result, qpinfo.x[1], qpinfo.x[2]))
	exact_p!(result, qpinfo) = (result[1] = p_eval(qpinfo.x[1], qpinfo.x[2]))
	exact_u!(result, qpinfo) = (u_eval(result, qpinfo.x[1], qpinfo.x[2]))
	exact_∇u!(result, qpinfo) = (∇u_eval(result, qpinfo.x[1], qpinfo.x[2]))

	# prepare unknowns
	u = Unknown("u"; name = "velocity", dim = 2)
	pfull = Unknown("p"; name = "pressure (full)", dim = 1)
	pE = Unknown("p⟂"; name = "pressure (enriched)", dim = 1)
	p0 = Unknown("p0"; name = "pressure (reduced)", dim = 1) # only used if enrich && reduced
	uR = Unknown("uR"; name = "velocity enrichment", dim = 2) # only used if enrich == true

	# prepare plots
	plt = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (2, 2), clear = true, size = (1000, 1000))

	# prepare error calculations
	function exact_error!(result, u, qpinfo)
		exact_u!(view(result, 1:2), qpinfo)
		exact_∇u!(view(result, 3:6), qpinfo)
		result .-= u
		result .= result .^ 2
	function exact_error_p!(result, p, qpinfo)
		exact_p!(view(result, 1), qpinfo)
		result .-= p
		result .= result .^ 2
	ErrorIntegratorExact = ItemIntegrator(exact_error!, [id(u), grad(u)]; quadorder = 2 * (order + 1), kwargs...)
	ErrorIntegratorPressure = ItemIntegrator(exact_error_p!, [order == 1 ? id(p0) : id(pfull)]; quadorder = 2 * (order + 1), kwargs...)
	L2NormIntegratorE = L2NormIntegrator([id(uR)]; quadorder = 2 * order)
	function kernel_div!(result, u, qpinfo)
		result .= sum(u) .^ 2
	DivNormIntegrator = ItemIntegrator(kernel_div!, enrich ? [div(u), div(uR)] : [div(u)]; quadorder = 2 * order)
	NDofs = zeros(Int, nrefs)
	Results = zeros(Float64, nrefs, 5)

	for lvl ∈ 1:nrefs

		# grid
		xgrid = get_grid2D(lvl)

		# define and assign unknowns
		PD = ProblemDescription("Stokes problem")
		assign_unknown!(PD, u)
		p = reduce * enrich ? p0 : pfull
		assign_unknown!(PD, p)

		### FESPACES ###
		if order == 1
			FES_enrich = FESpace{HDIVRT0{2}}(xgrid)
			FES_enrich = FESpace{HDIVRTkENRICH{2, order - 1, reduce}}(xgrid)
		FES = Dict(u => FESpace{H1Pk{2, 2, order}}(xgrid),
			pfull => FESpace{order == 1 ? L2P0{1} : H1Pk{1, 2, order - 1}}(xgrid; broken = true),
			p0 => FESpace{L2P0{1}}(xgrid; broken = true),
			uR => enrich ? FES_enrich : nothing)

		assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator(rhs!, [id(u)]; bonus_quadorder = bonus_quadorder, kwargs...))
		assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator(kernel_stokes_standard!, [grad(u), id(p)]; params = [μ], kwargs...))
		assign_operator!(PD, InterpolateBoundaryData(u, exact_u!; regions = 1:4, bonus_quadorder = bonus_quadorder))
		assign_operator!(PD, FixDofs(p; dofs = [1], vals = [0]))

		### ENRICHMENT ###
		if enrich
			if reduce
				if order == 1
					@info "... preparing condensation of RT0 dofs"
					AR = FEMatrix(FES_enrich)
					BR = FEMatrix(FES[p], FES_enrich)
					bR = FEVector(FES_enrich)
					assemble!(AR, BilinearOperator([div(1)]; lump = true, factor = α*μ, kwargs...))
					for bface in xgrid[BFaceFaces]
						AR.entries[bface, bface] = 1e60
					assemble!(BR, BilinearOperator([id(1)], [div(1)]; factor = -1, kwargs...))
					assemble!(bR, LinearOperator(rhs!, [id(1)]; bonus_quadorder = 5, kwargs...); time = time)
					# invert AR (diagonal matrix)
					AR.entries.cscmatrix.nzval .= 1 ./ AR.entries.cscmatrix.nzval
					C = -BR.entries.cscmatrix * AR.entries.cscmatrix * BR.entries.cscmatrix'
					c = -BR.entries.cscmatrix * AR.entries.cscmatrix * bR.entries
					assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator(C, [p], [p]; kwargs...))
					assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator(c, [p]; kwargs...))
					@info "... preparing removal of enrichment dofs"
					BR = FEMatrix(FES[p], FES_enrich)
					A1R = FEMatrix(FES_enrich, FES[u])
					bR = FEVector(FES_enrich)
					assemble!(BR, BilinearOperator([id(1)], [div(1)]; factor = -1, kwargs...))
					assemble!(bR, LinearOperator(rhs!, [id(1)]; bonus_quadorder = 5, kwargs...); time = time)
					assemble!(A1R, BilinearOperator([id(1)], [Δ(1)]; factor = -μ, kwargs...))
					F, DD_RR = div_projector(FES[u], FES_enrich)
					C = F.entries.cscmatrix * A1R.entries.cscmatrix
					assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator(C, [u], [u]; factor = 1, transposed_copy = -1, kwargs...))
					assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator(F.entries.cscmatrix * bR.entries, [u]; kwargs...))
				assign_unknown!(PD, uR)
				assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator(rhs!, [id(uR)]; bonus_quadorder = 5, kwargs...))
				assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator([id(p)], [div(uR)]; transposed_copy = 1, factor = -1, kwargs...))
				if order == 1
					assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator([div(uR)]; lump = true, factor = μ, kwargs...))
					assign_operator!(PD, HomogeneousBoundaryData(uR; regions = 1:4))
					assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator([Δ(u)], [id(uR)]; factor = μ, transposed_copy = -1, kwargs...))

		### SOLVE ###
		sol = solve(PD, FES; time = time, kwargs...)
		NDofs[lvl] = length(sol.entries)

		# move integral mean of pressure
		pintegrate = ItemIntegrator([id(p)])
		pmean = sum(evaluate(pintegrate, sol)) / sum(xgrid[CellVolumes])
		view(sol[p]) .-= pmean

		if enrich && reduce
			append!(sol, FES_enrich; tag = uR)
			if order == 1
				# compute enrichment part of velocity
				view(sol[uR]) .= AR.entries.cscmatrix * (bR.entries - BR.entries.cscmatrix' * view(sol[p]))
				# compute enrichment part of velocity
				view(sol[uR]) .= F.entries.cscmatrix' * view(sol[u])

			# compute higher order pressure dofs
			if reduce && order > 1
				# add blocks for higher order pressures to sol vector
				VR = FES_enrich
				append!(sol, VR; tag = pE)
				append!(sol, FES[pfull]; tag = pfull)
				sol_pE = view(sol[pE])
				sol_pfull = view(sol[pfull])
				sol_p0 = view(sol[p0])

				res = FEVector(VR)
				addblock_matmul!(res[1], A1R[1, 1], sol[u])
				celldofs_VR::VariableTargetAdjacency{Int32} = VR[CellDofs]
				ndofs_VR = max_num_targets_per_source(celldofs_VR)
				Ap = zeros(Float64, ndofs_VR, ndofs_VR)
				bp = zeros(Float64, ndofs_VR)
				xp = zeros(Float64, ndofs_VR)
				for cell ∈ 1:num_cells(xgrid)
					# solve local pressure reconstruction
					# (p_h, div VR) = - (f,VR) + a_h(u_h,VR)
					for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
						dof = celldofs_VR[dof_j, cell]
						bp[dof_j] = -bR.entries[dof] + res.entries[dof]
						for dof_k ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
							dof2 = celldofs_VR[dof_k, cell]
							Ap[dof_j, dof_k] = DD_RR.entries[dof, dof2]

					# solve for coefficients of div(RT1bubbles)
					xp = Ap \ bp

					# save in block id_pk
					for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
						dof = celldofs_VR[dof_j, cell]
						sol_pE[dof] = xp[dof_j]

				# interpolate into Pk basis (= same pressure basis as in full scheme)
				PF = FES[pfull]
				append!(sol, PF; tag = pfull)
				celldofs_PF::SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Int32} = PF[CellDofs]
				ndofs_PF::Int = max_num_targets_per_source(celldofs_PF)

				# compute local mass matrix of full pressure space
				MAMA = FEMatrix(PF)
				assemble!(MAMA, BilinearOperator([id(1)]))
				MAMAE::ExtendableSparseMatrix{Float64, Int64} = MAMA.entries

				# full div-pressure matrix
				PFxVR = FEMatrix(PF, VR)
				assemble!(PFxVR, BilinearOperator([id(1)], [div(1)]))
				PFxVRE::ExtendableSparseMatrix{Float64, Int64} = PFxVR.entries
				bp = zeros(Float64, ndofs_PF)
				xp = zeros(Float64, ndofs_PF)
				locMAMA = zeros(Float64, ndofs_PF, ndofs_PF)
				for cell ∈ 1:num_cells(xgrid)
					# solve local pressure reconstruction
					fill!(bp, 0)
					for dof_k ∈ 1:ndofs_PF
						dof2 = celldofs_PF[dof_k, cell]
						for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
							dof = celldofs_VR[dof_j, cell]
							bp[dof_k] += PFxVRE[dof2, dof] * sol_pE[dof]
						for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_PF
							dof = celldofs_PF[dof_j, cell]
							locMAMA[dof_k, dof_j] = MAMAE[dof2, dof]

					# solve for coefficients of div(RT1bubbles)
					xp = locMAMA \ bp
					for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_PF
						dof = celldofs_PF[dof_j, cell]
						sol_pfull[dof] = sol_p0[cell] + xp[dof_j]
			elseif reduce && order == 1
				pfull = p0

		error = evaluate(ErrorIntegratorExact, sol)
		L2errorU = sqrt(sum(view(error, 1, :)) + sum(view(error, 2, :)))
		H1errorU = sqrt(sum(view(error, 3, :)) + sum(view(error, 4, :)) + sum(view(error, 5, :)) + sum(view(error, 6, :)))
		@info "L2error(u) = $L2errorU"
		@info "L2error(∇u) = $H1errorU"
		evaluate!(error, ErrorIntegratorPressure, sol)
		L2errorP = sqrt(sum(view(error, 1, :)))
		@info "L2error(p) = $L2errorP"
		Results[lvl, 4] = L2errorP
		if enrich
			fill!(error, 0)
			evaluate!(error, L2NormIntegratorE, sol)
			L2normUR = sqrt(sum(view(error, 1, :)) + sum(view(error, 2, :)))
			@info "L2norm(uR) = $L2normUR"
		fill!(error, 0)
		evaluate!(error, DivNormIntegrator, sol)
		L2normDiv = sqrt(sum(view(error, 1, :)))
		@info "L2norm(div(u+uR)) = $L2normDiv"

		Results[lvl, 1] = L2errorU
		Results[lvl, 2] = H1errorU
		Results[lvl, 3] = L2normUR
		Results[lvl, 5] = L2normDiv

		### PLOTS ###
		scalarplot!(plt[1, 1], id(u), sol; abs = true)
		scalarplot!(plt[1, 2], id(pfull), sol)
		if order == 1 && enrich
			scalarplot!(plt[2, 2], id(uR), sol)
		plt[2, 1],
		add_h_powers = [order, order + 1],
		X_to_h = X -> 8 * X .^ (-1 / 2),
		legend = :best,
		ylabels = ["|| u - u_h ||", "|| ∇(u - u_h) ||", "|| uR ||", "|| p - p_h ||", "|| div(u + uR) ||"],

	print_convergencehistory(NDofs, Results; X_to_h = X -> X .^ (-1 / 2), ylabels = ["|| u - u_h ||", "|| ∇(u - u_h) ||", "|| uR ||", "|| p - p_h ||", "|| div(u + uR) ||"], xlabel = "ndof")

	return Results, plt

function div_projector(V1, VR)

	# setup interpolation matrix
	celldofs_V1 = V1[CellDofs]
	celldofs_VR = VR[CellDofs]
	ndofs_V1 = max_num_targets_per_source(celldofs_V1)
	ndofs_VR = max_num_targets_per_source(celldofs_VR)

	DD_RR = FEMatrix(VR)
	assemble!(DD_RR, BilinearOperator([div(1)]))
	DD_RRE = DD_RR.entries
	DD_1R = FEMatrix(V1, VR)
	assemble!(DD_1R, BilinearOperator([div(1)]))
	DD_1RE = DD_1R.entries
	Ap = zeros(Float64, ndofs_VR, ndofs_VR)
	bp = zeros(Float64, ndofs_VR)
	xp = zeros(Float64, ndofs_VR)
	ncells = num_sources(celldofs_V1)
	F = FEMatrix(V1, VR)
	FE = F.entries
	for cell ∈ 1:ncells

		# solve local pressure reconstruction for RTk part
		for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
			dof = celldofs_VR[dof_j, cell]
			for dof_k ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
				dof2 = celldofs_VR[dof_k, cell]
				Ap[dof_j, dof_k] = DD_RRE[dof, dof2]

		for dof_j ∈ 1:ndofs_V1
			dof = celldofs_V1[dof_j, cell]
			for dof_k ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
				dof2 = celldofs_VR[dof_k, cell]
				bp[dof_k] = -DD_1RE[dof, dof2]

			xp = Ap \ bp

			for dof_k ∈ 1:ndofs_VR
				dof2 = celldofs_VR[dof_k, cell]
				FE[dof, dof2] = xp[dof_k]
	return F, DD_RR

end # module

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