About the examples

The examples have been designed with the following issues in mind:

  • they run from the Julia REPL
  • each example is a Julia module named similar to the basename of the example file.
  • an example can be used as the starting point for a project
  • some examples define test cases for the test suite
  • ExampleXYZ with X = A can be considered advanced and uses low-level structures and/or demonstrates customisation features or experimental features
  • the default output of the main function is printed on the website and can be used to check if the code runs as expected (unfortunately REPL messages are not recorded)
  • printed assembly and solving times (especially in a first iteration) can be much larger due to first-run compilation times

Running the examples

In order to run ExampleXXX, perform the following steps:

  • Download the example file (e.g. via the source code link at the top)
  • Make sure all used packages are installed in your Julia environment
  • In the REPL:
julia> include("ExampleXXX.jl")`

julia> ExampleXXX.main()
  • Some examples offer visual output via the optional argument Plotter = PyPlot or Plotter = GLMakie

(provided the package PyPlot/GLMakie is installed and loaded)