281 : Discontinuous Plot

(source code)

This example demonstrates how to plot a discontinuous function on a grid with two regions by region-wise nodal values and plotting.

The computed solution for the default parameters looks like this:

module Example281_DiscontinuousPlot

using ExtendableFEMBase
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize

# function to interpolate
function u!(result, qpinfo)
	x = qpinfo.x
    if qpinfo.region == 1
        result[1] = 2*x[1]*x[2]
    elseif qpinfo.region == 2
        result[1] = -1*x[2]*x[1] + 0.5
        @error "function was evaluated without region information"

# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main(; broken = false, nrefs = 3, abs = false, Plotter = nothing)

	# generate two grids
	xgrid = grid_unitsquare(Triangle2D)

    # mark first two triangles to be in second region
    xgrid[CellRegions][1:2] .= 2

    # refine
	xgrid = uniform_refine(xgrid, nrefs)

	# generate coressponding finite element spaces and FEVectors
	FES = FESpace{L2P1{1}}(xgrid; broken = broken)
	FEFunction = FEVector(FES)

	# interpolate function onto first grid
	interpolate!(FEFunction[1], u!; bonus_quadorder = 2)

    # get subgrid for each region
    subgrid1 = subgrid(xgrid, [1])
    subgrid2 = subgrid(xgrid, [2])

    # get parent nodes for each subgrid
    subnodes1 = subgrid1[NodeParents]
    subnodes2 = subgrid2[NodeParents]

    # compute nodevalues for nodes of each subgrid
    nodevals4nodes1 = nodevalues(FEFunction[1], Identity; abs = abs, regions = [1], nodes = subnodes1)
    nodevals4nodes2 = nodevalues(FEFunction[1], Identity; abs = abs, regions = [2], nodes = subnodes2)

	# plot
	p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (2, 2), clear = true, resolution = (1000, 500))
    gridplot!(p[1,1], xgrid)
	scalarplot!(p[1, 2], [subgrid1, subgrid2], xgrid, [view(nodevals4nodes1,:), view(nodevals4nodes2,:)], cellwise = false, levels = 11, title = "u")

    return p

function generateplots(dir = pwd(); Plotter = nothing, kwargs...)
	plt = main(; Plotter = Plotter, kwargs...)
	scene = GridVisualize.reveal(plt)
	GridVisualize.save(joinpath(dir, "example281.png"), scene; Plotter = Plotter)

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