107: 1D Nonlinear Storage

(source code)

This equation comes from the transformation of the nonlinear diffuision equation.

\[\partial_t u^\frac{1}{m} -\Delta u = 0\]

in $\Omega=(-1,1)$ with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. We can derive an exact solution from the Barenblatt solution of the previous example.

module Example107_NonlinearStorage1D
using Printf
using VoronoiFVM
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize

function barenblatt(x, t, m)
    tx = t^(-1.0 / (m + 1.0))
    xx = x * tx
    xx = xx * xx
    xx = 1 - xx * (m - 1) / (2.0 * m * (m + 1))
    if xx < 0.0
        xx = 0.0
    return tx * xx^(1.0 / (m - 1.0))

function main(;
        n = 20, m = 2.0, Plotter = nothing, verbose = false,
        unknown_storage = :sparse, tend = 0.01, tstep = 0.0001, assembly = :edgewise

    # Create a one-dimensional discretization
    h = 1.0 / convert(Float64, n / 2)
    X = collect(-1:h:1)
    grid = simplexgrid(X)

    # Flux function which describes the flux
    # between neighboring control volumes
    function flux!(f, u, edge, data)
        f[1] = u[1, 1] - u[1, 2]
        return nothing

    ϵ = 1.0e-10

    # Storage term
    # This needs to be regularized as its derivative
    # at 0 is infinity
    function storage!(f, u, node, data)
        f[1] = (ϵ + u[1])^(1.0 / m)
        return nothing

    # Create a physics structure
    physics = VoronoiFVM.Physics(;
        flux = flux!,
        storage = storage!

    # Create a finite volume system - either
    # in the dense or  the sparse version.
    # The difference is in the way the solution object
    # is stored - as dense or as sparse matrix
    sys = VoronoiFVM.System(grid, physics; unknown_storage = unknown_storage, assembly = assembly)

    # Add species 1 to region 1
    enable_species!(sys, 1, [1])

    # Create a solution array
    inival = unknowns(sys)
    solution = unknowns(sys)
    t0 = 0.001

    # Broadcast the initial value
    inival[1, :] .= map(x -> barenblatt(x, t0, m)^m, X)

    # Create solver control info
    control = VoronoiFVM.NewtonControl()
    control.verbose = verbose
    control.Δu_opt = 0.1
    control.force_first_step = true
    tsol = solve(sys; inival, times = [t0, tend], control)

    if Plotter != nothing
        p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (1, 1), fast = true)
        for i in 1:length(tsol)
            time = tsol.t[i]
                p[1, 1], grid, tsol[1, :, i]; title = @sprintf("t=%.3g", time),
                color = :red, label = "numerical"
                p[1, 1], grid, map(x -> barenblatt(x, time, m)^m, grid); clear = false,
                color = :green, label = "exact"
    return sum(tsol.u[end])

using Test
function runtests()
    testval = 174.72418935404414
    @test main(; unknown_storage = :sparse, assembly = :edgewise) ≈ testval rtol = 1.0e-5
    @test main(; unknown_storage = :dense, assembly = :edgewise) ≈ testval rtol = 1.0e-5
    @test main(; unknown_storage = :sparse, assembly = :cellwise) ≈ testval rtol = 1.0e-5
    @test main(; unknown_storage = :dense, assembly = :cellwise) ≈ testval rtol = 1.0e-5

    return nothing


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