220: 2D Nonlinear Poisson with boundary reaction and boundary species
module Example220_NonlinearPoisson2D_BoundarySpecies
using Printf
using VoronoiFVM
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize
function main(; n = 10, Plotter = nothing, verbose = false, unknown_storage = :sparse)
h = 1.0 / convert(Float64, n)
X = collect(0.0:h:1.0)
Y = collect(0.0:h:1.0)
grid = simplexgrid(X, Y)
k = 1.0
eps::Float64 = 1.0
physics = VoronoiFVM.Physics(;
breaction = function (f, u, node, data)
if node.region == 2
f[1] = k * (u[1] - u[3])
f[3] = k * (u[3] - u[1]) + k * (u[3] - u[2])
f[2] = k * (u[2] - u[3])
return nothing
end, bstorage = function (f, u, node, data)
if node.region == 2
f[3] = u[3]
return nothing
end, flux = function (f, u, edge, data)
f[1] = eps * (u[1, 1] - u[1, 2])
f[2] = eps * (u[2, 1] - u[2, 2])
return nothing
end, source = function (f, node, data)
x1 = node[1] - 0.5
x2 = node[2] - 0.5
f[1] = exp(-20.0 * (x1^2 + x2^2))
return nothing
end, storage = function (f, u, node, data)
f[1] = u[1]
f[2] = u[2]
return nothing
sys = VoronoiFVM.System(grid, physics; unknown_storage = unknown_storage)
enable_species!(sys, 1, [1])
enable_species!(sys, 2, [1])
enable_boundary_species!(sys, 3, [2])
function tran32!(a, b)
return a[1] = b[2]
bgrid2 = subgrid(grid, [2]; boundary = true, transform = tran32!)
inival = unknowns(sys)
inival .= 0.0
eps = 1.0e-2
control = VoronoiFVM.NewtonControl()
control.verbose = verbose
control.reltol_linear = 1.0e-5
control.reltol = 1.0e-5
tstep = 0.01
time = 0.0
istep = 0
u5 = 0
p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (3, 1))
while time < 1
time = time + tstep
U = solve(sys; inival, control, tstep)
inival .= U
if verbose
@printf("time=%g\n", time)
tstep *= 1.0
istep = istep + 1
U_bound = view(U[3, :], bgrid2)
u5 = U_bound[5]
scalarplot!(p[1, 1], grid, U[1, :]; clear = true)
scalarplot!(p[2, 1], grid, U[2, :])
scalarplot!(p[3, 1], bgrid2, U_bound; show = true, flimits = (0, 0.0025))
return u5
using Test
function runtests()
@test main(; unknown_storage = :sparse) ≈ 0.0020781361856598
main(; unknown_storage = :dense) ≈ 0.0020781361856598
return nothing
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