405: Generic operator
Handle an operator which does not fit into the storage/flux/reaction API. This uses automatic sparsity detection.
module Example405_GenericOperator
using Printf
using VoronoiFVM
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize
function main(; n = 10, Plotter = nothing, verbose = false, unknown_storage = :sparse)
# Same as Example102 with upwind
# Create a one-dimensional discretization
h = 1.0 / convert(Float64, n)
X = collect(0:h:1)
grid = simplexgrid(X)
# A parameter which is "passed" to the flux function via scope
D = 1.0e-2
v = 1.0
# This generic operator works on the full solution seen as linear vector, and indexing
# into it needs to be performed with the help of idx (defined below for a solution vector)
# Here, instead of the flux function we provide a "generic operator"
# which provides the stiffness part of the problem. Its sparsity is detected automatically
# using Symbolics.jl
function generic_operator!(f, u, sys)
f .= 0.0
for i in 1:(length(X) - 1)
du = D * (u[idx[1, i]] - u[idx[1, i + 1]]) / (X[i + 1] - X[i]) +
v * (v > 0 ? u[idx[1, i]] : u[idx[1, i + 1]])
f[idx[1, i]] += du
f[idx[1, i + 1]] -= du
return nothing
# Create a physics structure
physics = VoronoiFVM.Physics(; generic = generic_operator!)
# Create a finite volume system - either
# in the dense or the sparse version.
# The difference is in the way the solution object
# is stored - as dense or as sparse matrix
sys = VoronoiFVM.System(grid, physics; unknown_storage = unknown_storage)
# Add species 1 to region 1
enable_species!(sys, 1, [1])
# Set boundary conditions
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, 1, 1, 0.0)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, 1, 2, 1.0)
# Create a solution array
inival = unknowns(sys; inival = 0.5)
solution = unknowns(sys)
idx = unknown_indices(solution)
# Stationary solution of the problem
solution = solve(sys; inival = 0.5, verbose)
grid, solution[1, :]; title = "Nonlinear Poisson", Plotter = Plotter,
resolution = (300, 300)
return sum(solution)
using Test
function runtests()
testval = 1.099999999614456
@test main(; unknown_storage = :sparse) ≈ testval &&
main(; unknown_storage = :dense) ≈ testval
return nothing
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