422: Drift-Diffusion with Discontinuous and Interface Potentials
Nondimensionalized semiconductor device equations (with artificial doping) with Discontinuousquantities and additional Interfacequantities.
module Example422_InterfaceQuantities
using VoronoiFVM
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize
function main(; n = 5, Plotter = nothing, tend = 20.0, unknown_storage = :sparse,
reactionN = 5.0e0, reactionP = 5.0e0, assembly = :edgewise)
#### grid
h1 = 1.0
h2 = 1.0
h_total = h1 + h2
region numbers
region1 = 1
region2 = 2
regions = [region1, region2]
numberOfRegions = length(regions)
boundary region numbers
bregion1 = 1
bregion2 = 2
bjunction = 3
coord_1 = collect(range(0.0; stop = h1, length = n))
coord_2 = collect(range(h1; stop = h1 + h2, length = n))
coord = glue(coord_1, coord_2)
grid = simplexgrid(coord)
specify inner regions
cellmask!(grid, [0.0], [h1], region1)
cellmask!(grid, [h1], [h1 + h2], region2)
specify outer regions
bfacemask!(grid, [0.0], [0.0], bregion1)
bfacemask!(grid, [h_total], [h_total], bregion2)
inner interfaces
bfacemask!(grid, [h1], [h1], bjunction)
#gridplot(grid, Plotter = nothing, legend=:rt)
######### system
sys = VoronoiFVM.System(grid; unknown_storage = unknown_storage, assembly = assembly)
iphin = DiscontinuousQuantity(sys, 1:numberOfRegions; id = 1)
iphip = DiscontinuousQuantity(sys, 1:numberOfRegions; id = 2)
iphinb = InterfaceQuantity(sys, [bjunction]; id = 3)
iphipb = InterfaceQuantity(sys, [bjunction]; id = 4)
ipsi = ContinuousQuantity(sys, 1:numberOfRegions; id = 5)
NA = [10.0, 0.0]
ND = [0.0, 10.0]
function storage!(f, u, node, data)
etan = -((u[iphin] - u[ipsi]))
etap = ((u[iphip] - u[ipsi]))
f[iphin] = -exp(etan)
f[iphip] = exp(etap)
f[ipsi] = 0.0
function reaction!(f, u, node, data)
etan = -((u[iphin] - u[ipsi]))
etap = ((u[iphip] - u[ipsi]))
f[ipsi] = -(ND[node.region] - exp(etan) + exp(etap) - NA[node.region])
r0 = 1.0e-4
recomb = r0 * exp(etan) * exp(etap)
f[iphin] = -recomb
f[iphip] = recomb
function flux!(f, u, node, data)
f[ipsi] = -(u[ipsi, 2] - u[ipsi, 1])
bp, bm = fbernoulli_pm(-(u[ipsi, 2] - u[ipsi, 1]))
etan1 = -((u[iphin, 1] - u[ipsi, 1]))
etap1 = ((u[iphip, 1] - u[ipsi, 1]))
etan2 = -((u[iphin, 2] - u[ipsi, 2]))
etap2 = ((u[iphip, 2] - u[ipsi, 2]))
f[iphin] = (bm * exp(etan2) - bp * exp(etan1))
f[iphip] = -(bp * exp(etap2) - bm * exp(etap1))
function breaction!(f, u, bnode, data)
if bnode.region == bjunction
left values
nleft = exp(-((u[iphin, 1] - u[ipsi])))
pleft = exp(((u[iphip, 1] - u[ipsi])))
interface species
n_interf = exp(-((u[iphinb] - u[ipsi])))
p_interf = exp(((u[iphipb] - u[ipsi])))
right values
nright = exp(-((u[iphin, 2] - u[ipsi])))
pright = exp(((u[iphip, 2] - u[ipsi])))
left and right reaction for n
f[iphin, 1] = reactionN * (nleft - n_interf)
f[iphin, 2] = reactionN * (nright - n_interf)
left and right reaction for p
f[iphip, 1] = reactionP * (pleft - p_interf)
f[iphip, 2] = reactionP * (pright - p_interf)
interface species reaction
f[iphinb] = -(f[iphin, 1] + f[iphin, 2])
f[iphipb] = -(f[iphip, 1] + f[iphip, 2])
function bstorage!(f, u, bnode, data)
f[ipsi] = 0.0
if bnode.region == bjunction
etan = -((u[iphinb] - u[ipsi]))
etap = ((u[iphipb] - u[ipsi]))
f[iphinb] = -exp(etan)
f[iphipb] = exp(etap)
VoronoiFVM.Physics(; flux = flux!,
storage = storage!,
reaction = reaction!,
breaction = breaction!,
bstorage = bstorage!))
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, iphin, bregion1, 4.0)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, iphip, bregion1, 4.0)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, ipsi, bregion1, 0.0)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, iphin, bregion2, 0.0)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, iphip, bregion2, 0.0)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, ipsi, bregion2, 5.0)
######### time loop
# Create a solution array
sol = unknowns(sys)
sol .= 0.0
t0 = 1.0e-6
ntsteps = 10
tvalues = range(t0; stop = tend, length = ntsteps)
for istep = 2:ntsteps
t = tvalues[istep] # Actual time
Δt = t - tvalues[istep - 1] # Time step size
#println("Δt = ", t)
sol = solve(sys; inival = sol, tstep = Δt)
end # time loop
######### Bias Loop
biasval = range(0; stop = 2.0, length = 10)
Idspec = zeros(0)
for Δu in biasval
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, iphin, bregion1, 4.0 + Δu)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, iphip, bregion1, 4.0 + Δu)
boundary_dirichlet!(sys, ipsi, bregion1, 0.0 + Δu)
#println("Δu = ", Δu)
sol = solve(sys; inival = sol)
# get current
factory = TestFunctionFactory(sys)
tf = testfunction(factory, [1], [2])
I = integrate(sys, tf, sol)
val = 0.0
for ii = 1:(length(I) - 1)
val = val + I[ii]
push!(Idspec, val)
end # bias loop
######### Plotting
vis = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (2, 1))
subgridBulk = subgrids(iphin, sys)
phin_sol = views(sol, iphin, subgridBulk, sys)
phip_sol = views(sol, iphip, subgridBulk, sys)
psi_sol = views(sol, ipsi, subgridBulk, sys)
for i in eachindex(phin_sol)
scalarplot!(vis[1, 1], subgridBulk[i], phin_sol[i]; clear = false, color = :green)
scalarplot!(vis[1, 1], subgridBulk[i], phip_sol[i]; clear = false, color = :red)
scalarplot!(vis[1, 1], subgridBulk[i], psi_sol[i]; clear = false, color = :blue)
scalarplot!(vis[2, 1], biasval, Idspec; clear = false, color = :red)
bgrid = subgrids(iphinb, sys)
sol_bound = views(sol, iphinb, bgrid, sys)
return sol_bound[1]
end # main
using Test
function runtests()
testval = 0.35545473758267826
@test main(; unknown_storage = :sparse, assembly = :edgewise) ≈ testval &&
main(; unknown_storage = :dense, assembly = :edgewise) ≈ testval &&
main(; unknown_storage = :sparse, assembly = :cellwise) ≈ testval &&
main(; unknown_storage = :dense, assembly = :cellwise) ≈ testval
end # module
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